Genética y genómica en la atención de salud


  • Silvia Castillo T. Hospital Clínico Universidad de Chile. Sección Genética. Departamento de Medicina.


The adequate use of information on sequences of the genetic material in human and other organisms, as well as technological innovations, will allow significant advances in our understanding of genetically based diseases and, more importantly, how health care is managed. We review the main topics in Genomic Medicine and the skills required in health professionals to apply them. Rare Diseases arise as a health issue in a country with good general indexes like Chile and concerns around one million Chileans at some point in their lives. It emphasizes the importance of sharing data to make progress in knowledge and management, while keeping confidentiality measures. Some preliminary strategies are outlined in Chile to confront Genomic Medicine. The position of the American College of Medical Genetics and Genomics (ACMG) is presented to the possibilities offered by the development of new technologies such as genomic editing.

Palabras clave:

Genética Humana, Medicina Genómica, Atención Médica