
Meridional. Chilean Journal of Latin American Studies is pleased to invite you to participate in the dossier “Relevance of Latin American Marxism: Thinking from, with, and beyond Michael Löwy’s work”, which consists in our 21st volume, to be published in October 2023. 

Racism and recognition in a novel by Manuel Zapata Olivella


  • Luis Ernesto Valencia Angulo Universidad del Pacífico


This article aims to analyze how racism and recognition are represented in Manuel Zapata Olivella's literature work of Chambacú, corral de negros (1963). I argue that from the start of the novel, Manuel Zapata Olivella deals with racism as one of the main problems that have affected afrocolombians since the colonial times which left a structure that put them into misery, destroyed their ancestral culture, and denied their civil rights. Also, I explore the meaning of recognition in the novel. I think that the storyline of the novel presents valuable glances of how to understand it.


racism, recognition, resistance, critical self, African diaspora