«I rebel, therefore we exist»: Camus and revolt as an experience of resistance


  • Matías Rivas Vergara


This article pretends to establish a semantic and historical link between the Camusian concept of revolt and the concept of resistance from the presence, respectively explicit and implicit, that both have in the philosophy of Albert Camus and that determines his metaphysical, anthropological, ethical and political thought. From the philosophical analysis of the concept of revolt and its necessary link with the Camusian concept of the absurd, resistance appears as the background of human existential experience, in its metaphysical dimension (search for meaning), in its ethical dimension (finding a fundamental principle of action) and in its political dimension (to build an order where freedom and the right of rebellion of human beings are preserved). Also, from historical analysis, the Camusian concept of revolt appears strongly linked, regarding contrast, with that of revolution, this due to the political context in post-war France after the experience of La Résistence, which profoundly influenced Camus’s thought.


Albert Camus, revolt, resistance, absurd, revolution