Literary modernity and women's entry to the public sphere in the discourses of Bello, Hostos and Mistral


  • María Soledad Falabella Luco Universidad Diego Portales


Women’s entry into the public sphere can be prefigured in Latin American cultural independency strives, which were based on a lettered culture. The foreword to Andrés Bello’s Gramática, the embodiment of this culture, is a cultural modernization project that bears two impulses, one of pedagogical will and another of linguistic dialogism. The first impulse will be dealt with an analysis of Eugenio María de Hostos’ discourse. The second one is built as a contiguous polyphonic space that seeks to dignify American Spanish in relation to the peninsular variation. 
This double articulation of the lettered culture allows for the incorporation of new voices into the norm, as is the case of Gabriela Mistral and her pedagogic discourse.


gender, modernity, linguistics, Latin America, nation