Carreras y ambición política a nivel subnacional. Análisis de las carreras políticas de los intendentes en la provincia de Buenos Aires (Argentina), 1983-2015
The paper aims to describe the main characteristics of the political careers of the mayors of the province of Buenos Aires (Argentina) from the return of democracy in 1983 until today. With this objective, it analyzes the relationship of the institutional context and the structure of party competition with respect to the career patterns of the communal leaders. It is argued that the institutional environment facilitates the conditions for a decrease in the competitiveness of municipal elections and a growing static ambition of the local executive heads, concomitant phenomena that could mutually reinforce each other
Varetto, C., & Rotman, S. (2017). Carreras y ambición política a nivel subnacional. Análisis de las carreras políticas de los intendentes en la provincia de Buenos Aires (Argentina), 1983-2015. Política. Revista De Ciencia Política, 55(1).