
Call for Papers. Special Number "100 Years of Social Work: Discussions and Perspectives on the Discipline's Past, Present and Future". Submissions in Spanish or English until the 30th October 2024 for publication in April 2025 (Issue 9). For more information please see the following link.

(De)confined notes. On the contributions of intersectionality to the challenges of Covid 19



This article interrogates how intersectional perspectives can contribute to a deeper understanding of the operations of power in a context of sanitary crisis while delivering a reflection on the theoretical premises and political potential of these perspectives in the historical situation we are experiencing. The central argument is that intersectional approaches not only help us understand the differentiating impact of sanitary measures on the structural inequalities that construct the social order, but also allow us to identify how this order can be transgressed, resisted and negotiated in a crisis situation.


Interseccionalidad, precariedad de la vida, Covid-19, feminismos

Author Biography

Paulina de los Reyes, Stockholm University

Paulina de los Reyes obtuvo su doctorado en la Universidad de Uppsala y es actualmente Profesora Titular de Historia Económica en la Universidad de Estocolmo. Ha dirigido numerosos proyectos de investigación y participado en diversas redes académicas donde ha desarrollado su interés por las teorías interseccionales, el feminismo postcolonial, la economía feminista y las transformaciones del capitalismo contemporáneo. También ha sido presidenta de la Asociación de Investigadoras en Género de Suecia (Genus Fors karförbundet) y participó en el proyecto internacional Mujeres rumbo a Gaza (2016).  ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3824-4698


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